Inference Engine Library (ielib.dll) is a library of class, it is developed in C# under environment Microsoft .NET, it can therefore easily integrate it into applications programs, and why not in the applications ASP.NET, this allows us to integrate Artificial Intelligence in computer applications.
Ielib.dll library is a component without royalties to integrate AI into your applications. It allows to create, render, perform and manipulate the knowledge base with only a few lines of code.
This library includes a set of objects that are accessible by the application programs:
Class InferenceEngine: represents the inference engine that makes the system capable of reasoning from facts and rules, to infer new facts. It is an engine PROPOSITIONAL-TYPE without variable can operate in mixed chaining (forward chaining and backward chaining) mode.
Note: the inference engine is an object class, so we can instantiate for AI multi-agency applications or multi knowledge bases, the parallelization of AI systems, and distribution of reasoning.
You can find many topics of Artificial Intelligence distributed on the Internet, but we quote a few to consult :
Distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) Wikipedia
Distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) encyclopedia
Microsoft academic research
Class KnowledgeBase: represents the knowledge base that contains a set of rules and facts.
Class Fact: represents a simple fact.
Class Rule: represents a rule that has a list of premises and a list of actions.
A rule of the form: If premise 1 and... and premise N then action 1,..., action m.
Class Premise: is a premise of the form [Fact] [comparison] [value], (value can be the value of another Fact). A so-called premise satisfied when the value of a comparison with a value is satisfied.
Class Conclusion: represents an action that will be triggered when the whole premises of a rule is satisfied.
Class ChainingResult: represents the result following the execution of inference engine.
Class KnowledgeMath: Represents the mathematical functions (from version
Class KnowledgeObj: Represents the base class of the Premise class and of the Conclusion class.
Class KnowledgeOperator: represents the numerical operators, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Class KnowledgePredicate: represents the operators of comparisons of facts.
Class KnowledgeProcess: To start local system processes (from version
Class KnowledgeRun: Represents a request for execution of a knowledge base (from version
Class KnowledgeValue: Represents a value specified (from version
Class KnowledgeVariable: Represents a variable (from version
Class Package: Represents a packet that includes a set of objects of the class Fact (from version
Set of internal library objects, these objects are not accessible by application programs:
Class FactsBase: represents the basis of facts that contains a set of the objects of the class Fact.
Class RulesBase: represents the basis of rules that contains a set of the objects of the class Rule.
Class TokenRule: represents the syntactic analysis of the expression of premise and conclusion.
Class TokenItem: represents a simple symbol in syntactic analysis.
Class XMLKnowledge: represents the reading and writing of the knowledge base on the file in XML format.
Class Premises: represents a collection of objects of the class Premise.
Class Conclusions: represents a collection of objects of the class Conclusion.
Class PackagesCollection : represents a collection of objects of the Package class (from version
Class KnowledgeVariableCollection : represents a collection of objects of the KnowledgeVariable class (from version
View the demonstration of investment.