Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

KnowledgeMath(string) constructor

      Initializes a new instance with the specified name of a function.

Namespace : ielib
Assembly : ielib.dll

public KnowledgeMath(string aFuncName)


Type: System.string

aFuncName: a string that represents the name of a function.

Exception: Name of function is not supported.


// Initiation of an instance of a function Abs (v): the absolute value of a floating-point number
KnowledgeMath func = new KnowledgeMath ("abs");

Functions can be accepted are:( For more information of functions)

" Math.E " : the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e.

" Math.PI " : the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, ∏.

" Abs " : the absolute value of a floating-point number.

" Acos " : the angle whose cosine is the specified number.

" Asin " : the angle whose sine is the specified number.

" Atan " : the angle whose tangent is the specified number.

" Atan2 " : the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.

" Ceiling " : the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified floating-point number.

" Cos " : the cosine of the specified angle.

" Cosh " : the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.

" Exp " : e raised to the specified power.

" Floor " : the largest integer less than or equal to the specified floating-point number.

" Log " : the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number or the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base..

" Log10 " : the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

" Max " : the larger of two floating-point numbers.

" Min " : the smaller of two floating-point numbers.

" Pow " : a specified number raised to the specified power.

" Round " : rounds a floating-point value to the nearest integral value or rounds a decimal value to a specified number of fractional digits.

" Sign " : a value indicating the sign of a floating-point number.

" Sin " : the sine of the specified angle.

" Sinh " : the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.

" Sqrt " : the square root of a specified number.

" Tan " : the tangent of the specified angle.

" Tanh " : the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.

" Truncate " : Calculates the integral part of a specified floating-point number.