Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

KnowledgeBase.ConclusionDoneEvent event

      Occurs when a rule may or may not conclude that a particular fact.

Namespace : ielib
Assembly : ielib.dll

public event RuleEventHandler ConclusionDoneEvent

public delegate void RuleEventHandler(Object sender, KnowledgeStatus eStatus, Rule r)


Type : System.Object.

sender : Source of the event, it is often an object of the class KnowledgeBase.

Type : ielib.KnowledgeBase.KnowledgeStatus.

eStatus : Represents the value of the event status.

enum KnowledgeBase.KnowledgeStatus :

eUnknown : An unknown event.
eYes : This rule is satisfied or deductible.
eNo : This rule is not satisfied or is not deductible.

Type : ielib.Rule

r : Represents the object of the Rule class.

Example : Suppose we had a rule 77 and that we wanted to engage a display of an image when this rule will be concluded, We can to subscribe us to this event.
   KnowledgeBase Kb = new KnowledgeBase("MyBase.xml");
   // Subscribe to the ConclusionDoneEvent event
   Kb.ConclusionDoneEvent += new RuleEventHandler(E_Conclusion_Done);
   InferenceEngine ie = new InferenceEngine(Kb);
   ChainingResult result = ie.Run();

void E_Conclusion_Done(Object sender, KnowledgeStatus eStatus, Rule r)
   If (eStatus == KnowledgeBase.KnowledgeStatus.eYes && r.Id == 77)
      // Using the Process class of .NET object to display the image.