Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

ChainingResult.Item property

      Gets the object of the class Fact to index specified.

Namespace : ielib
Assembly : ielib.dll

public Fact Item[int index] { get; }


Type: System.Int32

Index : Basic zero-based index of the element to get.

Property value

Type : ielib.Fact

Represents a Fact class object at the specified index. If index is less than 0 or greater than the value of the ChainingResult.Count property then null.

Exemple : Display the result in a DataGridView control.

private void Run(InferenceEngine ie, DataGridView gv)
ChainingResult result = ie.Run();
DataGridViewRow row;
Fact f;

for (int i = 0; I < result.Count; i++)
      f = result[i];
      row = gv.Rows.Add();
      DisplayResult(f, row.Cells[1]);

private void DisplayResult(Fact f, DataGridViewCell cell)
      case Fact.DataType.Bool :
      bool b = (bool)f.Value;
      cell.Value = b.ToString();
      case Fact.DataType.Real :
      double d = (double)f.Value;
      cell.Value = d.ToString() ;
      case Fact.DataType.Symbol :
      cell.Value = (string)f.Value;
      default: break;