VESD is an expert system development tool without the need of a type of the programming language, it is a fully declarative system.
By running the expert system, can view the evolution of state facts and rules by answering the questions posed by the system so we can observe the "reasoning" of expert system.

Answer question by question posed by the system, but can also be executed by answering all questions prior to execution, this mode is convenient to know the conclusion of expert system immediately.

From version, we added testing management which allows to create and save various tests to quickly the test without having to answer the same questions almost always. You can appoint and comment on each test. Tests are saved in an XML file bears the same name as the name of the knowledge base with the prefix "test_", this file is automatically managed and developed by VESD software in the same directory for files where the knowledge base.

You can create the new test or find the tests recorded in the menu "tools / by test file...".

Or with the button "execute".